Friday, March 30, 2012

FaceBook :Cara Membuat Background Facebook

    Cara Membuat Background Facebook

ebenrnya saya juga kurang begitu tau tentang layouts facebook tapi, kemarin ada salah satu temen saya eank bertanya.. si Yani, eh antok tau cara membuat background facebook tidak.. alhasil cuman bisa jawab.. wah sulit neng dijelasinn.. coz ga pegang om google hahaha.. za wez.. lah sorena q coba telusur.. demi telusur eh dapet juga..
fiuhhh untung dapat, klo gak tengsin euy..

Dan sekaligus menjawab pertanyaan2 yang selama ini terlontar dari temen ataupun sanak soudara tentang :
1 Bagaimana Cara mengganti Layout Facebook
2 Background Facebook Bisa di ganti apa tidak ?
3 Cara membuat background facebook itu gimana sich?
4 Mempercantik Tampilan facebook
5 n MOre.. he..

Dan Untuk Menjawab ratusan pertanyaan diatas, bahan bahan yang perlu disiapkan adalah :

sebenernya ini lagi lomba masak atau apa sich owq bahan2.. za wes pokokmen.. gitu.. sok atuh
1. Jika anda pengguna Mozilla lakukan add ons stylish agar bisa membuat background facebook dengan visite situs ini atau bisa juga dengan meng klik add-ons disini

2. keduaxxxx setelah kebuka situs tadi klik add-ons dan akan keluar kotak dialog dan lakukan instal n stelah itu restart firefox na, ingat firefox harus yang udah versi 2 ketas coz itu yg sudah support add-ons

3. setlah itu pilih tampilan facebook atau backkground facebook anda disini

4. Setelah anda mentukan pilihan klik tombol ->> "Load into Stylish" ->> save

ini dia sample hasil editan facebook saya

udah selesai... tutorial cara membuat background facebook atau layout ini..
dan jika anda ingin megembalikan background facebook seperti semula anda bisa lihat disini

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Harvest Moon :Back To Nature : Girld Guide

 4. W H O  S H O U L D  Y O U  C H O O S E ?

  In the village, there are presently 5 girls available for you. But,
who should you choose? This section will discuss the personality,
looks, and skills of each of the girls.

  It all depends on your tastes. After you marry one of the girls,
instead of helping on the farm, they stay at home and do, well..,
ummm, errrr.., NOTHING!

  I know, not that great, it's one of those things I want Natsume and
Victor Interactive to change in their future Harvest Moon games. But,
they still did a great job.

  Now that you know what great things the girls do after marriage
(cough, cough), you can just pick one of them, and live happily ever
after, well, not really.

  Without any further adieu, here are the Girls!

4.1  M A R Y

  Mary is a librarian. And for those of you who prefer looks over
brains, than skip Mary and check the others. But, for those of you
who like girls with personality, you can't lose with Mary!

  Being Kind and Generous Mary likes to help others and does it in a
polite manner. She has black hair, wears glasses, has a white shirt,
with a blue dress over it. She is almost always found in the library,
assisting those who come and read her father's books. Her birthday is
on the 20th of Winter, or on the 25th of Winter if your birthday is on
the 20th.

Occupation: Librarian
Personality: Appreciative, Kind, Generous
Bad Traits: None
Looks: Below-Average
Skills: Thinking

4.2  E L L I

  Elli is a mid-wife.(No, not a "middle wife! A Mid-Wife is someone
who delivers babies.) She works at the clinic and is there everyday,
except Wednesdays. Elli is very kind, although her parents have
passed away and she has to take care of her Grandmother, and little
brother, Stu.

  Surprisingly Elli is the only girl with short hair. Her hair is
brown, she wears a bow tie near her neck, and wears a blue dress. She
is very helpful to people, always asking what's wrong and aiding
people in the clinic. Her birthday is on the 16th of Spring, or on the
20th of Spring, if your Birthday is on the 16th.

Occupation: Mid-Wife
Personality: Kind, Helpful, Nice
Bad Traits: None that I could think of
Looks: Average
Skills: Medicine

4.3    A N N

  Ann is a tomboy. Her mother passed away, and she now helps her
father at the Inn. Although her father wants her to marry, she is
opposed, and wants to stay single. Don't worry though, she'll marry
you if she loves you.

  Ann has orange hair that's tied in a bow tie, and she wears blue
overalls. She is very nice and cheerful, helping people when they are
blue. Ann loves animals, and especially cooking. She almost always
wins the cooking festival, if not her father will win. Ann also
enjoys nature, every morning, weather permitting, she spends her time
standing at the goddess spring enjoying the cool mountain air.

Occupation: Helps at the Inn
Personality: Cheerful, Enthusiastic, and Hardworking
Bad Traits: Gets angry sometimes for small things
Looks: Average
Skills: Cooking, and Cleaning

4.4    K A R E N

  Karen is very mature when compared to the other girls. She doesn't
like anything her parents like and usually gets into arguments with
them. She is also afraid that her father's shop is not well equipped.
She likes to hang out at the beach with Rick, Kai, and Popuri during
the summer.

  Karen has brown hair with blonde highlights at the bangs. She wears
a vest, with shorts, and a belt. Although saying "Who are You, I'm
afraid I don't Know You" when you meet her, she gets nicer as you
change her heart rating (See Section 7. The Love Meter) saying things
like "If you ever need someone to talk to, you can talk to me". Karen
is an alcoholic, she loves wine and drinks it regularly.

Occupation: None
Personality: Mature, Easy Going, Care Free
Bad Traits: Gets Extremely Angry if given something she does not like
Looks: High Above Average
Skills: Dancing, and Singing

4.5  P O P U R I

  Popuri, one of my favorites! Although she is a crybaby sometimes,
and although she is practically mean to you when she doesn't know
you, Popuri is great once you get to know her. Her father is
presently not in the village, he has gone to find the desert flower,
to cure his wife, Popuri's mother, Lilia. Popuri has one brother
named Rick who helps out on their Poultry farm.

  Popuri has pink hair just like her mother, wears a red dress, and
has a headband. She becomes nicer and nicer the more you get to know
her, and loves almost everything excluding ores and such. Popuri is
also the easiest girl to marry, because every time you talk to her,
her heart rating goes up (See Section 7. The Love Meter) and all the
things she loves are picked from Mother Nature.

Occupation: None
Personality: Lovable, Carefree, Immature
Bad Traits: Cries A lot
Looks: Above Average
Skills: Umm.. Crying!

5.  S C H E D U L E S

Now that you know which girl you want to marry, you've got to know
where they are located. Here are the schedules for every girl.

(NOTE: On festival days the girls and everyone else cannot be found
anywhere, so don't waste your time looking for someone. You'll find
everyone at the festival.

5.1    M A R Y

  (Schedule Applies To Everyday Except Monday)

  8:00am  - 10:00am: In Her House (Locked)
  10:00am - 4:00pm:  In The Library
  4:00pm  - 6:00pm:  In The Library (locked)

(Note: On Monday, Mary is found in her House and later on Mother's
Hill with her family)

5.2    E L L I

  (Schedule Applies All days Except Wednesday)

  9:00am - 5:00pm: In The Clinic

  (Schedule Applies Wednesday)

  9:00am - 1:00pm: In Ellen's House
  1:00pm - 4:00pm: In The Supermarket
  4:30pm - 7:00pm: In Ellen's House

5.3  A N N

  7:30am -  10:00am: Near the Hot-Spring (On Rainy Days at Inn, Locked)
  11:00am - 10:00pm: At The Inn (Either Upstairs or Downstairs)

(Note: Ann is the easiest to find, due to the fact that she's in the
Inn practically all the time.)

5.4    K A R E N

  (Schedule Applies for Everyday Except Tuesday & Sunday)

8:00am - 10:00am: Outside the Supermarket near the mailbox
10:00am - 1:00pm: In her house (locked)
1:00pm - 6:00pm:  In the Supermarket
7:00pm - 10:00pm: At the Beach

 (Schedule Applies If Raining On Above Dates)

8:00am - 10:00am: In the Supermarket (instead of outside)

 (Schedule Applies For Tuesday & Sunday)

1:30pm - 4:00pm:  At The Hot-Spring (If raining, inside Gotz House)
8:00pm - 10:00pm: Inside the Inn

(Note: Karen is the hardest to Marry due to the large schedule. It's
hard to locate her sometimes)

5.5    P O P U R I

  (Schedule Applies To All Days Except Sundays)

7:30am - 10:00am: At the Hot-Spring
11:30am - 5:00pm: In Her House (The Poultry Farm)

  (Schedule Applies To Sunday Only)

   9:30am - 1pm: At The Church
1:30pm - 4:00pm: In Townsquare

  (Schedule Applies To Summer Only)

8:30am - 10:00am: At The Beach

6.  L I K E S  &  D I S L I K E S

  Now that you know where all the girls are located, in order to raise
their hearts (See Section 7. The Love Meter) You have to give them
gifts! Not just any gifts, but things they Love! Here is a pretty
complete list of Likes & Dislikes of each girl. Some of these things
are picked from Mother Nature, yet others require a Kitchen and
utensils to make. Give the Girl you are trying to Marry, mostly gifts
from the "love" section but things from the "like" section are okay
too. Don't forget their birthdays! Try to give them jewelry if you can
on their special day for best effects, but, if you didn't save some
ores from winter, give the girl something she loves.

  Only give a girl gifts she dislikes/hates only if you are
experimenting with the game or are trying to see their reactions to
various objects. Just remember, YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!

6.1    M A R Y

LOVES: Bamboo Shoot, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Mushroom, Truffle, Poison
Mushroom, Pumpkin Pudding, Bamboo Rice, Tomato Juice, Relaxation Tea,
Vegetable Juice, Truffle Rice, Jewelry.

LIKES: Honey, Apple, Apple Jam, Flowers, Cake, Ice Cream, Ketchup,
Milk, Cheese, Wool, Mayonnaise, Jam Bun, Hot Milk, Wild Grapes, Cheese
Cake, Spinach, Boiled Eggs.

DISLIKES: Butter, Curry, Pickles, Fried Rice, Happy Eggplant.

HATES: Fish Food, Weeds, Chicken Feed, Fodder, Garbage, Lumber.

6.2  E L L I

LOVES: Moon Drop Flowers, Pink Cat Flowers, All Other Flowers, Orange
Cup, Jewelry.

LIKES: Relaxation Tea, Milk, Apple Pie, Apple Jam, Fish, Cookies, Blue
Grass, Ice cream, Grape Jam, Vegetable Juice, Cheese Cake, Pumpkin
Pudding, Grilled Fish, Stir Fry.

DISLIKES/HATES: Weeds, Garbage, Lumber

6.3  A N N

LOVES: Spa-Boiled Eggs, Ice Cream, Chocolate Cake, Cake, Mushroom Rice,
Bamboo Rice, Fried Rice, Curry, Salad, Sandwich, Grilled Fish, Cheese
Fondue, Apple Pie, Salad, Sushi, Rice Omelet, Jewelry.

LIKES: Popcorn, Cookies, Apple, Miso Soup, Pineapple, Sashimi,
Relaxation Tea, Tomato Juice, Raisin Bread, Scrambled Egg, Boiled Egg,
Pickles, Strawberry Jam, Pickled Turnips.

DISLIKES: Branches, Lumber, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Blue & Green

HATES: Ores, Weeds, Garbage, Chicken Feed, Fish Food, Fodder, Red

6.4  K A R E N

LOVES: Wine, Sashimi, Popcorn, Pizza, Truffle, Jewelry.

LIKES: Moon Drop Flowers, Other Flowers, Eggs, Spa-Boiled Eggs, Corn,
Cucumbers, Stir Fry, Salad, Cheese Fondue, Cheese, Pumpkins, Orangecup,
Eggplant, Miso Soup, Spinach.

DISLIKES: Cookies, Ores, Honey, Apples, Apple Jam, Grape Jam, Jam Bun,
Relaxation Tea, Weeds, Strawberry Milk, Raisin Bread, Mixed Latte.

HATES: Fodder, Fish Food, Chicken Feed, Cake, Ice Cream, Branches,
Lumber, Cooked Sweet Potatoes, Garbage.

6.5  P O P U R I

LOVES: Toy Flowers, Honey, Ice Cream, Boiled Eggs, Apple Jam, Apple
Pie, Hot Milk, Sandwich, Rice Omelet, Scrambled Eggs, Chocolate Cake,
Relaxation Tea, Spa-Boiled Eggs, Strawberry Milk, Jewelry.

LIKES: Magic Red Flowers, Tomato, Corn, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Popcorn,
Grape Jam, Apple, Bamboo Rice, Orangecup, Pineapple, Vegetable Pancake,
Stew, Fried Noodles.

DISLIKES: Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Latte, Pizza, Pumpkin, Happy
Eggplant, Green Pepper, Cheese, Turnip, Tomato Juice.

HATE: Ores, Green & Blue Grass, Wine, Chicken Feed, Fish Feed, Fodder,
Branches, Garbage, Poisonous Mushroom.

Harvest Moon : Back To Nature Free Download

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA) + GameShark

Other Mods

This section contains many misc. mods.

32004080 E100: Set Money To Max
32004080 05F5

320041F5 0040: Unlimited Stamina
320041F6 0000

82002618 FFFF: Horse Max Everything
8200261A FFFF

Stage 2

Any codes listed here use the same inserts as the ones in Stage 1. Therefore,
if a code has a yyyy anywhere you can look up insert into yyyy list in the
stage 1 codes because only the x's change when codes are converted to stage 2.

Item Mods

32006A48 yyyy: Slot 1

32006A4c yyyy: Slot 2

32006A50 yyyy: Slot 3

32006A54 yyyy: Slot 4

32006A58 yyyy: Slot 5

32006A5c yyyy: Slot 6

32006A60 yyyy: Slot 7

32006A64 yyyy: Slot 8

Building Mods

82004E0C 000F: Have The Villa, The Beach House & The Mountain Cabbin

820053FC FF01: Have Improved Barn
020053FD FFFF

82005000 009A: Have Frig, Bathroom, Shelves and ALL Upgrades on house
82005001 FF9A
82005003 FF00
82005004 FFFF
82005005 FFFF

8200521C FFFF: Have Chicken House Upgrade

Time Mods

32004E1F 0078: Stop Time

32004E1D yyyy: Change Date

Friendship Codes

32006CDA FFFF: Instant Marrage To Karen!

32006D06 FFFF: Instant Marrage To Elle!

32006D5A FFFF: Instant Marrage To Ann!

32006C4A FFFF: Instant Marrage To Mary!

32006B8E FFFF: Instant Marrage To Popuri!

82006DDA FFFF: Instant Marrage To The Harvest Goddess!

82006E24 FFFF: Have All Harvest Sprites Like You!
82006E48 FFFF
82006E6C FFFF
82006E90 FFFF
82006EB4 FFFF
82006ED8 FFFF

32006CD9 00FF: Red Heart For Karen

32006D05 00FF: Red Heart For Elle

32006D59 00FF: Red Heart For Ann

32006C49 00FF: Red Heart For Mary

32006B8D 00FF: Red Heart For Popuri

82006DD8 FFFF: Red Heart For Harvest Goddess

Weather Mods

32004E14 yyyy: Midify Weather

Tool Mods

32006A10 FFFF: All Tools Have Max XP
32006A14 FFFF
32006A18 FFFF
32006A1C FFFF
32006A20 FFFF

32006A6C 01yy: Slot 1

32006A70 01yy: Slot 2

32006A74 01yy: Slot 3

32006A78 01yy: Slot 4

32006A7c 01yy: Slot 5

32006A80 01yy: Slot 6

32006A84 01yy: Slot 7

32006A88 01yy: Slot 8

Other Mods

320068B4 E100: Set Money To Max
320068B8 05F5

32006A29 0040: Unlimited Stamina
32006A2A 0000

82004E4C FFFF: Horse Max Everything
82004E4E FFFF 
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Donwload For Girls
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yu-Gi-Oh GX The Begining Of Destiny :Parnert Sandwich

Remember that Golden Egg Sandwiches will always automatically fill up one of your partner's heart and that Destiny Sandwiches could turn into anything. Bring Parraow

Jaden Yuki
  • Favorites: Fried Noodle Sandwich, Cook's Sandwich, Spicy Pepper Sandwich, Lobster Sandwich, Fried Shrimp Sandwich
  • Not Bad: Everything else
  • Dislikes: Destiny Sandwich
Zane Truesdale
  • Favorites: Plain Sandwich, Cook's Sandwich, Golden Egg Sandwich**,
  • Dislikes: Everything else
Axel Brodie
  • Favorites: Phantom Pepper Sandwich, Hot Pepper Sandwich, Spicy Fish Egg Sandwich, Spicy Curry Sandwich, Hamburger Sandwich, Normal Egg Sandwich, Fried Shrimp Sandwich, Cheese Sandwich, Steak Sandwich, Chicken Sandwich, Ham Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Everything else
Syrus Truesdale
  • Favorite: Lobster Sandwich, Fried Shrimp Sandwich
  • Really Likes: Chicken Sandwich, Curry Sandwich, Dried Mackerel Sandwich, Foie Grass Sandwich, Sausage Sandwich, Steak Sandwich, Sweet Bean Paste Sandwich, Sweet Chestnut Sandwich, Salmon Sandwich, Cook's Sandwich, Cheese Sandwich, Fried Noodle Sandwich, Hamburger Sandwich
  • Likes: Chocolate Sandwich, Fried Noodle Sandwich, Garlic Sandwich, Jam Sandwich, Pineapple Sandwich, Plain Sandwich, Ramen Noodle Sandwich, Rice Ball Sandwich, Soba Noodle Sandwich, Top-grade Salad Sandwich, Fermented Soybean Sandwich, Tomato Sandwich, Grape Sandwich, Carrot Sandwich, Melon Sandwich, Tofu Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Spicy Curry Sandwich, Spicy Fish Egg Sandwich, Kimchi Sandwich, Dried Sardine Sandwich, Phantom Pepper Sandwich,Hot Pepper Sandwich
Chazz Princeton
  • Loves: Caviar Sandwich, Truffle Sandwich, Steak Sandwich, Foie Gras Sandwich
  • Likes: Lobster Sandwich, Ham Sandwich
  • Not Bad: Most Sandwiches
  • Hates: Plain Sandwich, Letuce Sandwich, Tangerine Sandwich, Carrot Sandwich, Top-grade Salad Sandwich
Tyranno Hassleberry
  • Loves: Fried Shrimp Sandwich, Lobster Sandwich, Dried Mackerel Sandwich
  • Likes: Cook's Sandwich, Dried Sardine Sandwich, Fried Noodle Sandwich, Ham Sandwich, Sausage Sandwich, Steak Sandwich
  • Not bad: Fermented Cheese Sandwich, Foie Gras Sandwich, Garlic Sandwich, Goya Sandwich, Hot Pepper Sandwich, Lettuce Sandwich, Phantom Pepper Sandwich, Pineapple Sandwich, Rice Ball Sandwich, Soba Noodle Sandwich, Spicy Curry Sandwich, Spicy Fish Egg Sandwich, Tangerine Sandwich, Tofu Sandwich, Tomato Sandwich, Top-grade Salad Sandwich, Truffle Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Chocolate Sandwich, Cream Sandwich, Jam Sandwich, Sweet Chestnut Sandwich
Aster Phoenix
  • Favorites: Chicken Sandwich, Steak Sandwich, Caviar Sandwich, Hamburger Sandwich, Ham Sandwich, Foie Gras Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Fermented Soybeans Sandwich, Durian Sandwich, Fermented Cheese Sandwich, Dried Mackerel Sandwich, Garlic Sandwich.
Blair Flannigan
  • Loves: Cream, Kimchi, Jam, Phantom Pepper, Spicy Curry, Spicy Fish Egg, Sweet Bean Paste, Sweet Chestnut
  • Likes: Cheese, Cook's, Croquette, Curry, Dried Mackerel, Dried Sardine, Durian, Fermented Soybean, Fried Shrimp, Garlic, Goya, Gyoza, Ham, Hamburger, Lettuce, Melon, Normal Egg, Pineapple, Ramen Noodle, Rice Ball, Salmon, Sausage, Soba Noodle, Tangerine, Tofu, Tomato
  • Good: Plain
  • Dislikes: Caviar, Foie Gras, Lobster, Steak, Top-grade Salad, Truffle
Jesse Andersen
  • Loves: Ramen Noodle Sandwich, Rice Ball Sandwich, Soba Noodle Sandwich, Tofu Sandwich
  • Likes: Cook's Sandwich, Dried Mackerel Sandwich, Durian Sandwich, Fermented Cheese Sandwich, Fermented Soybeans Sandwich, Gyoza Sandwich, Kimchi Sandwich, Steak Sandwich, Truffle Sandwich
  • Not bad: Carrot Sandwich, Caviar Sandwich, Cheese Sandwich, Chocolate Sandwich, Croquette Sandwich, Foie Gras Sandwich, Fried Shrimp Sandwich, Hamburger Sandwich, Hot Pepper Sandwich, Pineapple Sandwich, Plain Sandwich, Salmon Sandwich, Sausage Sandwich, Spicy Curry Sandwich, Spicy Fish Egg, Sweet Bean Paste Sandwich, Sweet Chestnut Sandwich, Tomato Sandwich
Alexis Rhodes
  • Loves: Chocolate Sandwich
  • Favourites: Jam Sandwich,Grape Sandwich,Tangerine Sandwich, Lettuce Sandwich, Carrot Sandwich, Pineapple Sandwich, Sweet Bean Paste Sandwich, Sweet Chestnut Sandwich, Cream Sandwich, Tomato Sandwich, Caviar Sandwich, Top-grade Salad Sandwich, Truffle Sandwich, Lobster Sandwich
  • Pretty good: Fried Shrimp Sandwich, Dried Sardine Sandwich, Cheese Sandwich, Spicy Curry Sandwich, Curry Sandwich, Normal Egg Sandwich, Sausage Sandwich, Ramen Noodle Sandwich, Plain Sandwich, Hot Pepper Sandwich, Soba Noodle Sandwich, Croquette Sandwich, Destiny Sandwich(sometimes), Chicken Sandwich, Rice Ball Sandwich, Spicy Fish egg Sandwich, Phantom Pepper Sandwich,
  • Dislikes: All Fermented Sandwiches, Kimchi Sandwich, Gyoza Sandwich, Destiny Sandwich(sometimes), Garlic Sandwich
  • Likes: Destiny Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Nothing
  • Likes: Dried Sardine Sandwich, Tofu Sandwich, Dried Mackeral Sandwich, Garlic Sandwhich, Soba Noodle Sandwich, Ramen Noodle Sandwich, Fermented Cheese Sandwich, Fermented Soybean Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Everything else
  • Likes: Destiny Sandwich, Golden Egg Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Everything else
The Gambler
  • Likes: Likes for The Gambler are based on luck and are random, Golden Egg Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Dislikes for The Gambler are based on luck and are random
Fonda Fontaine
  • Loves: Cheese Sandwich, Cook's Sandwich, Croquette Sandwich, Curry Sandwich, Fried Noodle Sandwich, Normal Egg Sandwich, Ramen Noodle Sandwich, Riceball Sandwich, Tofu Sandwich
  • Likes: Gyoza Sandwich, Ham Sandwich, Hot Pepper Sandwich, Sausage Sandwich, Spicy Curry Sandwich
  • Not bad: Chocolate Sandwich, Dried Sardine Sandwich, Foie Gras Sandwich, Kimchi Sandwich, Pineapple Sandwich, Salmon Sandwich, Top-grade Salad Sandwich
  • Dislikes: Carrot Sandwich, Fermented Cheese Sandwich, Fermented Soybean Sandwich, Grape Sandwich, Melon Sandwich, Spicy Fish Egg Sandwich, Sweet Chestnut Sandwich
  • Loves: Sweet Chestnut, Cook's, Chocolate, Durian, Tofu, Hamburger, Tangerine, Sausage, Steak, Gyoza, Melon, and Golden Egg Sandwiches
  • Likes: Fermented Cheese, Salmon, Spicy Curry, Phantom Pepper, Hot Pepper, Lobster, Dried Sardine, Kimchi, Goya, Fried Shrimp, Tomato, Normal Egg, Fried Noodle, Lettuce, and Top-grade Salad Sandwiches
  • Dislikes: Foie Gras, Plain, and Truffle Sandwiches
  • Loves: Curry, Carrot, Melon, Rice Ball, Sausage
  • Likes: Spicy Curry, Chicken
  • Okay: Normal Egg, Cream, Hot Pepper, Phantom Pepper, Foie Gras, Durian, Sweet Bean Paste, Spicy Fish Egg, Tomato
  • Hates: Hamburger, Kimchi, Jam, Tofu, Grape, Fermented Soybean
Jagger Princeton
  • Loves: Lobster, Chocolate, Top-grade Salad, Steak, Golden Egg
  • Likes: Normal Egg, Sweet Chestnut, Sweet Bean Paste, Dried Sardine, Goya, Truffle, Salmon, Cream, Fried Shrimp, Caviar, Foie Gras, Tomato, Lettuce, Jam
  • Okay: Cook's, Tofu, Chicken, Ham, Sausage, Soba Noodle
  • Hates: Melon, Spicy Fish Egg, Tangerine, Kimchi, Rice Ball, Phantom Pepper, Curry, Hot Pepper, Croquette, Grape, Garlic, Gyoza, Pineapple, Durian
Slade Princeton
  • Loves: Spicy Curry, Steak, Truffle, Kimchi, Golden Egg
  • Likes: Durian, Fermented Soy Bean, Foie Gras, Pineapple, Curry, Gyoza, Fermented Cheese, Phantom Pepper, Spicy Fish Egg, Hot Pepper, Garlic, Tangerine, Foie Gras, Durian, Melon, Caviar, Rice Ball
  • Okay: Hamburger, Soba Noodle, Cook's, Tofu, Chicken, Ham, Plain, Sausage
  • Hates: Normal Egg, Cheese, Tomato, Goya, Dried Mackarel, Top-grade Salad, Salmon, Goya, Croquette, Cream, Lobster, Sweet Bean Paste, Fried Shrimp, Chocolate, Dried Sardine, Lettuce
Jim Crocodile Cook
  • Loves: Steak, Lobster, Durian, Golden Egg
  • Likes: Dried Mackarel, Tomato, Fried Shrimp, Dried Sardine, Pineapple, Sausage, Melon, Chicken, Salmon, Tangerine, Ham
  • Okay: Soba Noodle, Fermented Cheese, Rice Ball, Tofu, Plain, Ramen Noodle
  • Hates: Cream, Trufle, Foie Gras, Kimchi, Spicy Fish Egg, Chocolate, Swet Bean Paste, Phantom Pepper, Caviar, Sweet Chestnut, Curry 
For More HERE

Yu-Gi-Oh GX The Begining Of Destiny :Booster Pack

1. First Monster: Available at start
2. First Spell-Trap: Available at start
3. First Fusion: Play after May 7th
4. First Effect Monsters: Available at start
5. Step Up Spell-Trap: Available at start
6. Step Up Fusion: Play after May 7th
7. Anti Effect: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
8. Life Breaker: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
9. Go Go Direct: Pack 4, 5, 6 has at least 80% collected
10. Visitor From The Dark: First stage Monday
11. Emergent Fire: First stage Tuesday
12. Water Of Life: First stage Wednesday
13. Gift Of Wind: First stage Thursday
14. Platinum Light: First stage Friday
15. Earth Dwellers: First stage Saturday
16. Lucky Economy Pack: First stage Sunday
17. Endless Thoughts: Player over level 5
18. Flip The Picture: Player over level 10
19. Equip Me: Player over level 15
20. More Eternal Memories: Player over level 20
21. Speed King: Player over level 25
22. Spice of Duel: Player over level 30
23. Fairy's Sky: Player over level 35
24. Dragon Drive: Player over level 40
25. Fiend Night: Player over level 45
26. Skillful Spellcasters: At least five characters cleared all three stages
27. Cold Skin: 50% collected at the Duel Ranking
28. Ritual Dance: Player play time more than 20 hours
29. Symbol 50: Player over level 50
30. Wave Of The Future: Ten consecutive wins
31. Good Ol' Days: Ten consecutive losses
32. Hero Emerges!: Have the best relation with Yuki Judai
33. A Machines Soul Never Sleeps: Have the best relation with Sho Marufuji
34. Beast Kingdom: Have the best relation with Hayato Maeda
35. Maidens Heartbeat: Have the best relation with Tenjoin Asuka
36. Never Give Up: Have the best relation with Manjoume Jun
37. Warriors Pyramid: Have the best relation with Daichi Misawa
38. Technology Master: Have the best relation with Ryo Marufuji
39. Bit Players: Use the characters in page two to finish stages 2 and 3
40. Vanilla Gloom: Using the characters in page three to finish stages 2 and 3
41. Tag Survivor: Enter stage 2
42. Princeton Power: Clear stages 2 and 3 with the Manjoume Brothers (No. 5, 28, 29)
43. Approach the Hotties: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Mindy (No. 20)
44. Dorothy's Soul: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Dorothy (No. 027)
45. Sadie's Soul: Clear stages 2 and 3 with Sadie (No. 026)
46. Midday Constellation (Noon Star): Enable cheat code (see above)
47. Double Triple Destiny Draw: Buy the Golden Egg
48. Checkered Flag: Have over 90% cards collected

Yu-Gi-Oh GX The Begining Of Destiny :How To Get Parnert

Salah satu pertanyaan yang paling sering ane temuin dalam memainkan game ini adalah: “bagaimana cara berpartner dengan Dorothy dan Saddie (penjaga toko)” Nah, ini dia caranya: Kamu harus namatin game (sampe part 3) dengan seluruh (7) karakter utama sbagai partner : Jaden Yuki, Zane Truesdale, Syrus Truesdale, Alexis Rhodes, Chazz Princeton, Bastion Mizawa dan Chumley Huffington.

Kalo udah, mainin part 1-nya skali lagi, pas mau lawan Dark Magician Girl di festival, akan ada pilihan mau lawan Dark Magician Girl atau Dark Dorothy Girl. Pilih Dark Dorothy Girl. Menangin duel lawan Dorothy dan kamu bisa jadiin dia partner skaligus membuka decknya Dorothy.

Trus untuk Saddie, bisa diajak ngobrol keesokan harinya (pas dia jaga dibagian sandwich – kalo dia lagi jaga dibagian kartu, dia gak akan mau), Ask to be Partners dan kalahkan dia dalam duel untuk menjadikannya partner  =))

2.Emperor umiuma.
4.Sanzyudai yuki.
7. Mimicry
9.Dark Magician Girl
10.Atticus Rhodes


*Inoso--> akan muncul stelah menamatkan game dgn minimal 3 karakter di page 1, bisa ditemukan di waktu pagi hari di Abandoned Dorn. Dia akan minta kamu menemaninya dalam tag duel, kalau kamu dan dia bisa menang, part 1 akan berakhir dan akan langsung lanjut ke part 2, plus Inoso bisa dijadiin partner.

* Emperor Umiuma--> akan muncul stelah menamatkan game dgn minimal 3 karakter di page 1, bisa ditemukan di waktu pagi hari di Volcano. Dia akan minta kamu menemaninya dalam tag duel, kalau kamu dan dia bisa menang, part 1 akan berakhir dan akan langsung lanjut ke part 2, plus Emperor Umiuma bisa dijadiin partner.

*Mokuma--> akan muncul stelah menamatkan game dgn minimal 3 karakter di page 1, bisa ditemukan di waktu pagi hari didalam ruangan yang ada distore. Dia akan minta kamu menemaninya dalam tag duel, kalau kamu dan dia bisa menang, part 1 akan berakhir dan akan langsung lanjut ke part 2, plus Mokuma bisa dijadiin partner.

*Sanzyudai Yuki--> akan muncul stelah menamatkan game dgn minimal 3 karakter di page 1, bisa ditemukan di waktu pagi hari di cafetaria Slifer. Dia akan minta kamu menemaninya dalam tag duel, kalau kamu dan dia bisa menang, part 1 akan berakhir dan akan langsung lanjut ke part 2, plus Sanzyudai Yuki bisa dijadiin partner.

*Senjome--> akan muncul stelah menamatkan game dgn minimal 3 karakter di page 1, bisa ditemukan di waktu pagi hari di Obelisk Blue Boys Dorn. Dia akan minta kamu menemaninya dalam tag duel, kalau kamu dan dia bisa menang, part 1 akan berakhir dan akan langsung lanjut ke part 2, plus Senjome bisa dijadiin partner.

*Sironos--> akan muncul stelah menamatkan game dgn minimal 3 karakter di page 1, bisa ditemukan di waktu pagi hari di kelas. Dia akan minta kamu menemaninya dalam tag duel, kalau kamu dan dia bisa menang, part 1 akan berakhir dan akan langsung lanjut ke part 2, plus Sironos bisa dijadiin partner.

*Mimicry--> akan muncul stelah menamatkan game dgn semua karakter di page 1, akan muncul di ruangan kepala sekolah pd saat kita memilih untuk "watch opening ceremonies" di awal part 1. Ask to be Partners untuk menjadikan dia partner.

*Jinzo--> bsa ditemukan di forest – sebelah kiri, yang ada pembangkit listriknya - pada jam 11 malam atau lebih. Mau dijadikan partner dengan syarat kamu memberikan 60000 DP-mu ama dia.

*Dark Magician Girl--> bisa ditemukan di forest pda jam sekolah (hanya bsa dilakukan jika sudah mengalahkan Dark Magician Girl di festival skolah). Untuk partner dgn Dark Magician Girl, Ajak dia ngomong dulu, bru kasih dia Golden Egg Sandwich. Abis itu, ajak dia ngomong lagi, dan dia akan minta utk jadi partner kamu.

*Atticus Rhodes--> Atticus itu adalah kakak laki2nya Alexis. Kalo mau ketemu si Atticus ini, pada PART 1 silahkan ke beach pada jam 6 pagi, hari apa saja-kecuali hari Minggu (jam 6 tepat kamu harus udah ada di beach, terlambat sedikit aja dia akan hilang dari tempat itu, jdi silahkan atur waktunya gimana bisa nyampe ke beach jam 6 tepat).
Atticus Rhodes juga bisa dijadikan partner, pada saat kamu ngomong ke dia, dia akan nanya sesuatu, jawab pilihan yg kedua (kalo gak salah jawabannya "The Sky"). Lalu ngomong lagi ke dia dan ask to be partners, kalahkan dia dalam duel dan dia akan jadi partner kamu. Sebagai tmbahan, stelah Atticus jdi partner kamu, kamu jga otomatis bsa brpartner dgn Nightshroud (krena Atticus dan Nightshroud adalah org yg sama)...

*** Vellian Crowler – Muncul di kelas atau kantor kepala sekolah pada pagi hari, kalahkan dalam duel dengan perbedaan 8000 LP untuk bisa menjadikannya partner.
***Lyman Banner - Muncul di kafe Slifer antara jam 7-8 pagi atau dikamarnya (kamar 103). Buat Pharaoh si kucing ngikutin kamu dengan ngasih dia sandwich, kemudian ask to be partners sama si Luman.

***Camula -  Muncul pada malam hari diatas jam 10 malam di Obelisk Blue Girls Dorn setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Lewati jalan kecil yang pada pagi harinya biasa ada penjaganya. Kalahkan dia dalam duel

***Tania - Muncul pada malam hari diatas jam 10 malam di Forest setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel

***Don Zaloog - Muncul pada malam hari diatas jam 10 malam di Slifer Red Dorn setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel

***Abidos the Third - Muncul pada malam hari diatas jam 10 malam di Main Gate Academy setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel

***Titan - Muncul pada malam hari diatas jam 10 malam di Harbour setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel

***Amnael - Muncul pada malam hari diatas jam 10 malam di Abandoned Dorn setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel

***Kagemaru - Muncul pada malam hari diatas jam 10 malam di Cliff setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel

***Damon – Muncul di pagi hari di store. Dia akan nantang kamu dalam kontes draw sandwich, kalo bisa menang dia akan jadi partner kamu.

** Jasmine – Biasa muncul di kelas atau Obelisk Blue Girls Dorn, kalahkan dia dalam duel untuk menjadikannya partner

***Mindy - Biasa muncul di kelas atau Obelisk Blue Girls Dorn, kalahkan dia dalam duel untuk menjadikannya partner

***Blair –pertama-tama, kita harus punya minimal 5-6 lambang hati sama Syrus Truesdale, Zane Truesdale & Alexis Rhodes. Nanti masing2 dari mereka akan memberikan item (yg nantinya akan ditempatkan di bagian item disamping sandwich). Jadi akan trkumpul 3 item. Lalu berikan ketiga item tersebut kepada Blair. Trus besoknya, temuin Blair saat jam pelajaran (jgn masuk kelas) di Osiris Red Dorn. Trus Ask To Be Partners, nanti dia akan ngajak duel trlebih dahulu. Begitu duelnya kamu menangin, Blair akan kadi partner kamu (hanya bisa dilakukan setelah kamu namatin game minimal 1 kali)

***Paradox Brothers: Para – Muncul di Cliff setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel untuk menjadikannya partner

***Paradox Brothers: Muncul di Cliff setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel untuk menjadikannya partner

***Slade Princeton - Muncul di Harbour setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel untuk menjadikannya partner

***Jagger Princeton - Muncul di Cliff setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kalahkan dia dalam duel untuk menjadikannya partner

***Fonda Fontaine - Muncul di Obelisk Blue Girls Dorn, kalahkan Atticus 10 kali untuk mendapatkan tanda tangannya, lalu berikan tanda tangannya si Atticus itu ama Fonda dan dia akan jadi partner kamu

***The Gambler - Muncul di Harbour setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali. Kamu harus nebak mata koinnya dengan benar untuk menjadikannya partner

***Yasmin – Muncul dimalam hari setelah jam 10 di Forest (setelah kamu menamatkan game minimal 1 kali). Kalahkan dia dalam duel untuk menjadikannya partner

Untuk karakter2 lainnya, cukup pilih Ask To Be Partners setelah kamu namatin game minimal 1 kali. Biasanya ada yang ngajak duel terlebih dahulu, kalo dapat yang seperti ini, berarti kamu harus ngalahin dia dalam duel supaya dia mau jadi partner kamu.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force Evolution (PAL)


10 Cards When Moved to Trunk
#Must have at least 2 cards

Max/Inf DP

Have All Cards x9
#Press Select to Activate .. Activate after u have loaded your game save and u are at the menu

*Draw Time Codes

Activator For Draw Time Codes

Player 2 No Draw

Player 2 No cards
#Give u Instant Win on Second Turn

Friday, March 16, 2012

How To Install Car MOB In GTA PC

UPDATE 3 Mobil Mod Baru!!
1. Taksi Premium di indo Toyota alphard tiara expre*s

2. Mobil derek toyota avanza untuk tuned car

3. Mobil derek g*rda oto toyota avanza

1. Mitsubishi Galant Lele (Mobil kenangan)hwehwehee..

2. Toyota Vios Bluebird taksi,haa..

3. Polisi jalan tol indonesia,waWww.. Yang ini Convert dari Lancer by SHAKE

4. Dan yang paling gw seneng, avanza ni...

5. Eitss...Kijang memang tiada duanya..Haha

6. Toyota Vios versi bukan taksi nya ni..

7. Hmm..yang paling baru bgt dibuat ni, mazda 6 nya pak polisi jalal tol.

Ini File Download Nya :
Untuk Taksi Alphard nya

Untuk Avanza Towtruck for tuned car

Untuk Avanza Towtruck garda oto nya

Untuk Galant nya

Untuk Blueb*rd nya

Untuk Lancer Polisi nya

Untuk Avanza nya

Untuk Innova nya

Untuk Vios Standard nya

Untuk Mazda 6 Pak Polisi nya

Cara Nya Tonton Ajah
  Nah,cara masukin mobilnya ada yang blm tau??
1. Download SAMI dari sini
2. Instal seperti biasa (dibeberapa computer dibutuhkan microsoft visual c++)
3. Jalankan SAMI, pilih Install a Mod, pada kolom Mod Location pilih browse, cari file .RAR yang tadi di download, lalu pilih continue.
4. Pilih lagi continue, pada kolom Custom Vehicle Name isi dengan nama mobil sebenarnya, lalu pada kolom Vehicle to Replace pilih mobil yang akan di replace dalam game(note:disarankan untuk tidak merubah Vehicle to Replace), lalu pilih Install.
5. Lalu Exit, nah mulailah play game san andreas dengan mobil yang sudah diganti.


Monday, March 12, 2012

The Sims Deluxe Edition Cheats

Cheat mode:
Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C during game play to display a prompt in the upper left corner of the screen. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enter [Exclamation point] at the prompt to repeat the last cheat entered. Enter a [Semi-colon] between codes to enter multiple codes at the same time. Additionally, most of the codes will only work with the unpatched version of the game.
For Download HERE

1,000 Simoleons (unpatched game version)
1,000 Simoleons (patched game version)
50,000 Simoleons
Add new family history stat to the current family
Appends the route destination list to AllRoutes.txt every time a route is found
Architecture tools automatically set the level as needed
Automatically import and load indicated FAM file
Automatically load indicated house, no questions asked
Check and fix required lot objects
Completely flush app to VM file when running Windows NT
Crash game
Create moat or streams
Create shrunk_text_#.bmp files
Create-a-character mode
Display personality and interests
Draw all animation frames disabled
draw_all_frames off
Draw all animation frames enabled
draw_all_frames on
Draw colored dots at each person's origin
Dump entire memory to core_dump_[date:time].txt
Dump selected person's most recent list of scored interactions to a file
Dump selected person's motive contribution curve to a file
Enable debug flag to show outcome choice dialogs for social interactions
End sim logging
sim_log end
Execute "file.cht" file as a list of cheats
Floorable grid disabled
draw_floorable off
Floorable grid enabled
draw_floorable on
Force an assert for testing
Log animations in the event log window
Map editor disabled
map_edit off
Map editor enabled
map_edit on
Move any object
move_objects on
No tutorial object generation when tutorial house is loaded
tutorial off
Prevent web browser crashes
Preview animations disabled
preview_anims off
Preview animations enabled
preview_anims on
Programmer stats
Quit game
Read in behavior tuning constants from Tuning.txt
Rebuilds entire control panel/UCP from scratch
Refresh the BMP_ resources for all people whose IFF files are writable
Rematch dependent textures and regenerate bitmaps for all user characters
Restore tutorial
Rotate camera
rotation <0-3>
Routing debug balloons disabled
route_balloons off
Routing debug balloons enabled
route_balloons on
Run series of random operations on unhoused families
Save currently loaded house
Save family history file
Say "plugh"
Say "porntipsguzzardo"
Say "xyzzy"
Selected person's path displayed
draw_routes on
Selected person's path hidden
draw_routes off
Set event logging mask
Set free thinking level
autonomy <1-100>
Set game speed
sim_speed <-1000-1000>
Set grass change value
edit_grass :
Set grass growth
grow_grass <0-150>
Set lot size
Set maximum milliseconds to allow simulator
Set time of day (unpatched game version)
set_hour <1-24>
Set z offset for thought bubbles
Sets the neighborhood directory to the path
Sets up the borders of the lot with non-editable flag. Requires rotation
Sets whether menu items appear for in use objects
Show memory view window in debug builds of the game
Start sim logging
sim_log begin
Swap the two house files and updates families
Ticks disabled
sweep off
Ticks enabled
sweep on
Tile information displayed
tile_info on
Tile information hidden
tile_info off
Toggle allowing visitors to be controlled using the keyboard
Toggle assets report
Toggle automatic object reset feature
Toggle calls to PeekMessage within sim loop
Toggle camera mode
Toggle display of unavailable interactions in person control menus
Toggle music
Toggle object compression in save file
Toggle quaternion transformations
Toggle sound log window
Toggle sounds
Toggle web page creation
Total reload of people skeletons, animations, suits and skins
Trigger sound event
Write out an RTE file every time a route is found
Write out behavior tuning constants to Tuning.txt