Saturday, January 5, 2013

Team Buddies Cheats


  • Cheat Codes.

    Pause game play and enter these:
    Note: Cheat codes like Instant shape building must be activated again for each new level.
    Gives Heavy weapon.Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 then press Triangle, X, Square(x2)
    Gives Rocket boots.Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 then press Triangle, Square(x2), Triangle
    Instant shape building.Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 then press Square(x2), Circle(x2)
    Return to SEnderwhen pause mode press and hold (R1+R2+L1+L2) then push circle,circle,square,square
    Skip World.Hold L1+L2+R2 then press R1 at the information panel in the Rotunda
    Unlocks all levels and worlds.Hold L1+L2+R1+R2 then press Triangle, Circle, Square(x2)
  • Misc. Codes

    Pause the game, hold L1,L2,R1 and R2 together and enter the following:
    All crates powered upCircle, X, X, Circle
    Big FeetTriangle, Square, Square, X
    Big GunsTriangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle
    Easy Buddy BuildCircle, Circle, X, Circle
    Easy Gun BuildCircle, Circle, X, X
    Easy Gun BuildingCircle, Circle, X, X
    Finish building your shapeSquare, Square, Circle, Circle
    First special weaponTriangle, X, X, X
    Infinite AmmoTriangle, X, Circle, Square
    Infinite HealthTriangle, Triangle, X, X
    Infinite jetpack powerSquare, Square, Triangle, Triangle
    InvincibilitySquare, Circle, X, Triangle
    InvincibilityX, Triangle, Square, Circle
    Invincible BaseTriangle, X, X, Triangle
    Jetpack cheatSquare, Square, Triangle, Triangle
    Level SkipCircle, Square, X, X
    Level SkipCircle, Square, X, X
    Refill team ammoX, X, Triangle, Triangle
    Refill team healthTriangle, Triangle, X, X
    Second special weaponX, X, X, Triangle
    Super CratesCircle, X, X, Circle
    Unlimited AmmoCircle, Square, Triangle, X         From: Gamefaqs               

Harvest Moon Back to Nature For Girls Gameshark

Max money
80072818 967F
8007281A 0098

Gain max money
80071FAC 967F
80071FAE 0098

Never use money
80071FB0 0000
80071FB2 0000

Max horse ship
8007281C 967F
8007281E 0098

Never tired
300727CE 0064

Healthy girl
300727D2 0000

Infinite lumber
80071A7C 03E7
Infinite cow food
80071A7E 03E7
Infinite fish food
80071A82 03E7
Infinite chick food
80071A84 03E7

Infinite water
30072844 0064

Max EXP all tools Upgrade  ( What This ? )
B0050002 00000000
800727FE FFFF

Max rucksack slot
300727DA 0002
300727DC 0008

Pretty girl
300727F2 00FF

All utensils
30071A4C 00FF

100% house & all maker
30071A4E 0002
30071A50 0003
30071A52 0002
30071A54 0001

Quick fishing
D00727FA 0000
300727FA 0001
80071F68 03E7

Max status dog
 30076756 00FF

Max growth horse
D0076830 016C
80076830 016D

Max status horse
30076842 00FF

Giant horse
800768AD 2000

Max status chicks
300750D6 00FF

All power berries
3007206C 000A

Max status dwarfs
B00700F4 00000000
3007B37E 00FF
B00700F4 00000000
3007B416 00FF
B00700F4 00000000
3007B418 00FF
B00700F4 00000000
3007B41A 00FF

Unlimited power for swimming
D00C1B7E 0002
300C1B7E 0003
Giant or mini horse
D005F84C 0004
D307684C 0400
110768AC 0012
D005F84C 0001
D20768AC 4000
100768AC 0012
Good relationship with
800774D2 FFFF
80077C22 FFFF
800788EE FFFF
800793E6 FFFF
80078C96 FFFF
Full love status
3007787C 00FF
30077DF8 00FF
30078374 00FF
30079214 00FF
30079D0C 00FF

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

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Cheat Uang Untuk Need For Speed Shift Android

Game ini adalah game balapan yg paling saya suka di hp android saya, walaupun demikian saya sangat frustasi untuk race yg sangat sulit dimenangkan tapi dengan usaha yg keras sih bisa aja menang

Bagi kalian yg merasa frustasi karena kekurangan uang untuk membeli mobil dan mengupgradenya bisa mengikuti cara berikut.

Berikut adalah cara untuk mendapatkan uang sebesar $8000.000 :

1. Siapkan komputer/laptop
2. Download Hex Workshop disini dan instal di komputer

Setelah semua siap berikut langkah cheatnya :

1. Pastikan kamu sudah mengikuti career dan memenangkan minimal satu balapan
2. Sambungkan kartu memori ke komputer menggunakan cardreader atau kabel usb
3. Copy file gamedata yg ada di sdcard/android/data/com.ideaworks3d.nfsshift/files ke komputer


4. Buka Hex Workshop kemudian cari file gamedata yg kamu copy td. Tampilannya akan seperti ini


5. Buka Tab Edit kemudian pilih Goto


6. Kemudian akan muncul kotak dialog dan isi angka 52 lalu klik go


7. Setelah itu maka kursor akan pindah lalu tanpa utak atik kursornya kamu ketik 7A 12. Ingat "penempatan kursor berbeda beda"


8. Save dan copy gamedata yg sudah diedit ke sdcard/android/data/com.ideaworks3d.nfsshift/files
9. Sekarang kamu coba mainkan gamenya dan lihat berapa duit kamu sekarang

Have Fun

sumber :

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Gameshark Cheats

Infinite Health Cheat
800CCC90 00C8
Walk Through Walls Cheat
800339FE 1000
8004B2A2 1000
Almost All Doors Open Cheat
Note: You must have Gameshark version 2.2 or better for this cheat code to work.
50000502 0000
Condition Fine Cheat
300CCC97 0004
Have 10 Slots Cheat
800D225E 000A
Have All Maps Cheat
300D2127 00FE
300D212B 00FE
Have All Files Cheat
800D212C FFFF
800D212E FFFF
Ebola Mode
80109D78 2400
800D2134 630F
Hyper Mode
800D454C 0002
Secret Mode
800D1F32 FFE0
One Hit Death Code
D0044E18 0006
80044E18 0001
Press L1+Square To Access Chest Cheat
D00CC830 0084
800D1F2C 0200
D00CC830 0084
800E01C4 0002
Total Time Get Grade S Cheat
800D1F28 0000
800D1F2A 0000
Press L1+L2+R1+R2 For Quick Ending Cheat
D00CC830 000F
800CC858 C000
D00CC830 000F
800CC85A 0001
Press R1+R2+X For Rapid Fire Cheat
D00CC830 004A
800CCC8C 1E02
Press L1+Triangle To Save Anywhere Cheat
D00CC830 0014
800D1D18 13CC
D00CC830 0014
800D1D1A 8005
Enhanced/Extra Ammo Cheat
Note: This cheat will allow you to mix Enhanced Ammo without having to first build up skill.
800D2260 01F4
800D2262 01F4
800D2266 01F4
800D2268 01F4
800D226A 01F4
800D226C 01F4
Have All Pics In Epilogue Cheat
800D1F3E 0008
Infinite Item Use All Slots Cheat
8006D0CA 2400
Infinite Ink Ribbons In Chest Cheat
800D21A0 6381
800D21A2 0001
All Weapons In Chest Cheat
800D215C 0001
800D2160 0002
800D2164 0003
800D2168 0004
800D216C 0005
800D2170 0006
800D2174 000A
800D2178 000B
800D217C 000C
800D2180 000D
800D2184 000E
800D2188 000F
800D218C 0010
800D2190 0011
800D2194 0012
800D2198 0013
800D219C 0014
Infinite Ammo All Weapons Cheat
800D215E 0003
800D2162 0003
800D2166 0003
800D216A 0003
800D216E 0003
800D2172 0003
800D2176 0003
800D217A 0003
800D217E 0003
800D2182 0003
800D2186 0003
800D218A 0003
800D218E 0003
800D2192 0003
800D2196 0003
800D219A 0003
800D219E 0003
Mercenaries Mode Cheats
Infinite Time Cheat
800D1F98 0078
Get Reward
800CC852 FFFF
Maximum Reward Total
800D25EC 967F
800D25EE 0098
Character Cheats
Play As Regina From Dino Crisis
800D1F86 0006
Play As Jill 1st Outfit
800D1F86 0000
Play As Jill 2nd Outfit
800D1F86 0001
Play As Jill 3rd Outfit
800D1F86 0002
Play As Jill 4th Outfit
800D1F86 0003
Play As Jill 5th Outfit
800D1F86 0004
Play As Jill 6th Outfit
800D1F86 0005
Play As Carlos
800D1F86 0008
Play As Mikhail
800D1F86 0009
Play As Nicholai
800D1F86 000A
Play As Tofu
800D1F86 000F
Infinite Carry Item Cheats
All Slots
Note: You must have Gameshark version 2.2 or better for this cheat code to work.
50000A04 0000
800D2136 0017
Slot 1
800D2136 0017
Slot 2
800D213A 0017
Slot 3
800D213E 0017
Slot 4
800D2142 0017
Slot 5
800D2146 0017
Slot 6
800D214A 0017
Slot 7
800D214E 0017
Slot 8
800D2152 0017
Slot 9
800D2156 0017
Slot 10
800D215A 0017
Infinite Chest Item Cheats
Infinite Items In Chest Cheat
Note: You must have Gameshark version 2.2 or better to use this cheat code.
50004004 0000
800D215E 0017
Slot 1
800D215E 0017
Slot 2
800D2162 0017
Slot 3
800D2166 0017
Slot 4
800D216A 0017
Slot 5
800D216E 0017
Slot 6
800D2172 0017
Slot 7
800D2176 0017
Slot 8
800D217A 0017
Slot 9
800D217E 0017
Slot 10
800D2182 0017
Slot 11
800D2186 0017
Slot 12
800D218A 0017
Slot 13
800D218E 0017
Slot 14
800D2192 0017
Slot 15
800D2196 0017
Slot 16
800D219A 0017
Slot 17
800D219E 0017
Slot 18
800D21A2 0017
Slot 19
800D21A6 0017
Slot 20
800D21AA 0017
Slot 21
800D21AE 0017
Slot 22
800D21B2 0017
Slot 23
800D21B6 0017
Slot 24
800D21BA 0017
Slot 25
800D21BE 0017
Slot 26
800D21C2 0017
Slot 27
800D21C6 0017
Slot 28
800D21CA 0017
Slot 29
800D21CE 0017
Slot 30
800D21D2 0017
Slot 31
800D21D6 0017
Slot 32
800D21DA 0017
Slot 33
800D21DE 0017
Slot 34
800D21E2 0017
Slot 35
800D21E6 0017
Slot 36
800D21EA 0017
Slot 37
800D21EE 0017
Slot 38
800D21F2 0017
Slot 39
800D21F6 0017
Slot 40
800D21FA 0017
Slot 41
800D21FE 0017
Slot 42
800D2202 0017
Slot 43
800D2206 0017
Slot 44
800D220A 0017
Slot 45
800D220E 0017
Slot 46
800D2212 0017
Slot 47
800D2216 0017
Slot 48
800D221A 0017
Slot 49
800D221E 0017
Slot 50
800D2222 0017
Slot 51
800D2226 0017
Slot 52
800D222A 0017
Slot 53
800D222E 0017
Slot 54
800D2232 0017
Slot 55
800D2236 0017
Slot 56
800D223A 0017
Slot 57
800D223E 0017
Slot 58
800D2242 0017
Slot 59
800D2246 0017
Slot 60
800D224A 0017
Slot 61
800D224E 0017
Slot 62
800D2252 0017
Slot 63
800D2256 0017
Slot 64
800D225A 0017 
From :