Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ROHAN :Acc And Boss

1. Penggalian Crystal
a. Rigal Foreman: Ring of Boom Boom (+7 random stat, +4 vit)
b. Rigal Bomb: Onyx screw of boomboom (+7 str, dex, vit, agi)

2. Gua Ahkma
a. Ruin Kan: Kaan's Sealed Soul (+7 int, +10 psy, +10 sermag); Kaan's Sealed Heart (+7 psy, +10 vit, +10 sermag)
b. Mollek: Ring of Prodigious Power (+15 str +5 vit +10 serdek)
c. Blood Tyrant: Eye of the blood lord (+10 int +30 akurasi +250 HP)
d. Soul Guardian: (Flash of Guardian (thx to Wonggaya) +10 agi dex +30 hindaran)

3. Makam Caronia/Naga Hitam
a. Shard of Baron Victor Vlen: Pendant of a Belial Knight (+10 vit +10 dex +400 MP)
b. Mirebreath Hneidhogg: Wrath of Blue Mustache (+10 str +10 dex +300 HP)
c. Crimsonscale Hellkite: Insanity of Red Mustache (+10 vit +10 agi +300HP)

4. Rahkon
1. Darkness Spite: Cameo of Futility (+15 int psy, +200HP)
2. Amadeus de Roha: Wings of Solemn Death( +15 str vit dex)
3. Jainus une Roha: Dark Angels Baton (+15 int psy vit)
4. Zeitgeits: Heart of Igseilt (+20 vit, +1000 HP, +500 MP)
5. Goddes Wind of Silva: Eyes of Silva (+500HP, +300MP, +10 att); Feathers of Goddes Silva (+20 all stats +500 HP +300 MP, +300 att); Amulet of Goddes Silva (+50 vit, +500 HP, +300 MP, +30 pf pm)

5. Jam Air Juba
a. Aquarias: Soul of God's Beast (+15 str dex int, +200 HP)