Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town GBA Cheats

(Original Boy Version Master Code)
0000E882 000A
100D1BF8 0007

(Master Code provided by timmytation)

999,999,999 Gold:
82004090 E0FF
82004092 05F5

Max.Gold:(do not activate unless you have full rucksack, basket
and blue feather)
82004090 FFFF
82004092 FFFF

All 3 Houses & Complete House & Farm Upgrades:
820027CC 009A
820027CD FF9A
820027CF FF00
820027D0 FFFF
820027D1 FFFF
82005000 009A
82005001 FF9A
82005003 FF00
82005004 FFFF
82005005 FFFF

Dog's max. crown & affection:
82004271 FFFF
82004273 FFFF
82004275 FFFF

Horse's max. crown & affection:
82002618 FFFF
8200261A FFFF

Max. feed for livestock
820029F9 FFFF
82002BD8 FFFF

All chickens max. hearts & crown
82002A2C fcff
82002A2e ffff
82002A5C fcff
82002A5e ffff
82002A8C fcff
82002A8e ffff
82002AbC fcff
82002Abe ffff
82002Aec fcff
82002Aee ffff
82002b1c fcff
82002b1e fcff
82002b4c fcff
82002b4e ffff
82002b7c fcff
82002b7c ffff

All cows and sheep max. hearts & crown (not sure how well these work)
82002C20 FcFF
82002C22 FFFF
82002C24 003F
82002C5c FcFF
82002C5e FFFF
82002C60 003f
82002C98 FcFF
82002C9a FFFF
82002C9c 003f
82002Cd4 FcFF
82002Cd6 FFFF
82002Cd8 003f
82002D10 FcFF
82002D12 FFFF
82002D14 003f
82002D4c FcFF
82002D4e FFFF
82002D50 003f
82002D88 FcFF
82002D8a FFFF
82002D8c 003f
82002Dc4 FcFF
82002Dc6 FFFF
82002Dc8 003f
82002E00 FcFF
82002E02 FFFF
82002E04 003f
82002E3c FcFF
82002E3e FFFF
82002E40 003f
82002E78 FcFF
82002E7a FFFF
82002E7c 003f
82002Eb4 FcFF
82002Eb6 FFFF
82002Eb8 003f
82002Ef0 FcFF
82002Ef2 FFFF
82002Ef4 003f
82002f2c FcFF
82002f2e FFFF
82002f30 003f
82002f68 FcFF
82002f6a FFFF
82002f6c 003f
82002fa4 FcFF
82002fa6 FFFF
82002fa8 003f

You still have to meet all Marriage requirements before you can marry the boy.
To change the heart colors, simply change the last four digits, represented by
an (X) for each boy.

(black) 0000
(purple) 3333
(blue) 5555
(green) 9999
(yellow) BBBB
(orange) DDDD
(red) FFFF

82004508 XXXX

820044C8 XXXX

Gourmet Judge:
820045A4 XXXX

820043C0 XXXX

82004548 XXXX

820045D0 XXXX

82004354 XXXX

8200458C XXXX

+Instant Marriage Codes+ (you must have fully upgraded house and big bed)

8200450a FFFF

820044Ca FFFF

Gourmet Judge:
820045A6 FFFF

820043C2 FFFF

8200454a FFFF

820045D2 FFFF

82004356 FFFF

8200458e FFFF

+Harvest Sprites+

Max. Affection:
82004608 FFFF
8200462C FFFF
82004650 FFFF
82004674 FFFF
82004698 FFFF
820046BC FFFF
820046E0 FFFF

Somebody e-mailed me and told me the codes didn't work. Since
they worked for me, I decided to keep it around but I'm also going
to put up the codes sent by this guy (I lost the name and e-mail
somewhere in the computer. I'll look it up.) Thanks!

NEW Max. Affection Codes:
820045F0 FFFF
82004614 FFFF
82004638 FFFF
8200465C FFFF
82004680 FFFF
820046A4 FFFF
820046C8 FFFF

Max. Work Experience:
82004614 FFFF
82004616 FFFF
82004638 FFFF
8200463A FFFF
8200465C FFFF
8200465E FFFF
82004680 FFFF
82004682 FFFF
820046A4 FFFF
820046A6 FFFF
820046C8 FFFF
820046CA FFFF
820046EC FFFF
820046EE FFFF

+Max. Affection of Townspeople+
These include your Rivals so expect to be invited at their weddings
I still don't know how well these work so don't blame me if your
game freezes up.

820044D4 FFFF
82004528 FFFF
8200441C FFFF
820044A8 FFFF
82004360 FFFF
820045B0 FFFF
82004408 FFFF
82004374 FFFF
820043F4 FFFF
820044E8 FFFF
82004514 FFFF
820043CC FFFF
82004458 FFFF
82004554 FFFF
82004444 FFFF
82004480 FFFF
82004334 FFFF
820043E0 FFFF
82004388 FFFF
8200439C FFFF
8200446C FFFF
82004494 FFFF
82004430 FFFF
8200456C FFFF


Here are the basic Mythic tools plus an extra Teleport stone
for your toolchest. WARNING! Remove code immediately after

82002958 0107
8200295A 0117
8200295C 010F
8200295E 011F
82002960 0127
82002964 012F
82002966 014D

You can change the last two digits of the last four
codes above to have these. Make sure you rearrange your
tools first so that they won't disappear. And as always,
remove the code immediately after activation.
eg (82002958 0107 => 82002958 0132)

82002958 yyxx - Chest slot 1

yy = number of tools (FF = 255)
xx = code of tool

Seed bags: Seed code:

Turnip 32
Cucumber 34
Cabbage 36
Corn 38
Pumpkin 3A
Eggplant 3C
Sweet Potato 3E
Green Pepper 40
Moondrop 42
Magic 44
Potato 33
Strawberry 35
Tomato 37
Onion 39
Pineapple 3B
Carrot 3D
Spinach 3F
Grass 41
Pink Cat 43
Toy Flower 45

Gem Name: Gem Code:

Teleport Stone 4D
Gem of Kappa 4F
Gem of Goddess 4E
Gem of Truth 50

Mythic Tool: Tool Code:

M.Fishing Rod 2F
M.Axe 17
M.Sickle 07
M.Hammer 1F
M.Watering Can 27
M.Hoe 0F

+Items+ (You must not have anything in your rucksack. Also, if you keep the
codes activated, you will have an unlimited amount of the specific items
and not just 8)

GIFT WRAP - gift wrapping costs 100G per gift but it adds 125% to the original
"affection" value of the gift. The same is true if the person
dislikes the item. It slashes 125% and he/she may hate you more so
be careful! To gift wrap, just add +2 to the last digit of the code.
(e.g. fridge item: 0000 => 0002; shelf item: 2201 => 2203)

Slot: Code:
1. 82004224 xxxx
2 82004228 xxxx
3 8200422c xxxx
4 82004230 xxxx
5 82004234 xxxx
6 82004238 xxxx
7 8200423c xxxx
8 82004240 xxxx

Item codes (xxxx)


Item: Code:

Turnip 0008
Potato 0108
Cucumber 0208
Strawberry 0308
Cabbage 0408
Tomato 0508
Corn 0608
Onion 0708
Pumpkin 0808
Pineapple 0908
Eggplant 0A08
Carrot 0B08
Sweet Potato 0C08
Spinach 0D08
Green Pepper 0E08
Regular Egg 0F08
Good Quality Egg 1008
High Quality Egg 1108
Golden Egg 1208
P Egg 1308
X Egg 1408
Spa-Boiled Egg 1508
Mayonnaise (S) 1608
Mayonnaise (M) 1708
Mayonnaise (L) 1808
Mayonnaise (G) 1908
Mayonnaise (P) 1A08
Mayonnaise (X) 1B08
Milk (S) 1C08
Milk (M) 1D08
Milk (L) 1E08
Milk (G) 1F08
Milk (P) 2008
Milk (X) 2108
Cheese (S) 2208
Cheese (M) 2308
Cheese (L) 2408
Cheese (G) 2508
Cheese (P) 2608
Cheese (X) 2708
Apple 2808
Honey 2908
Bamboo Shoot 2A08
Wild Grapes 2B08
Mushroom 2C08
Poisonous Mushroom 2D08
Truffle 2E08
Blue Grass 2F08
Green Grass 3008
Red Grass 3108
Yellow Grass 3208
Orange Grass 3308
Purple Grass 3408
Indigo Grass 3508
Black Grass 3608
White Grass 3708
Queen of the Night 3808
Bodigizer 3908
Bodigizer XL 3A08
Turbojolt 3B08
Turbojolt XL 3C08
Wine 3D08
Grape Juice 3E08
Rice Ball 3F08
Bread 4008
Oil 4108
Flour 4208
Curry Powder 4308
Muffin Mix 4408
Chocolate 4508
Relaxation Tea Leaves 4608
SUGDW Apple 4708
HMSGB Apple 4808
AEPFE Apple 4908
Buckwheat Flour 4A08
Wild Grape Juice 4B08
Salad 4C08
Curry Rice 4D08
Stew 4E08
Miso Soup 4F08
Stir Fry 5008
Fried Rice 5108
Savory Pancake 5208
Sandwich 5308
Fruit Juice 5408
Vegetable Juice 5508
Mixed Juice 5608
Fruit Latte 5708
Vegetable Latte 5808
Mixed Latte 5908
Strawberry Milk 5A08
Strawberry Jam 5B08
Tomato Juice 5C08
Pickled Turnip 5D08
French Fries 5E08
Pickles 5F08
Ketchup 6008
Popcorn 6108
Corn Flakes 6208
Baked Corn 6308
Pineapple Juice 6408
Pumpkin Pudding 6508
Pumpkin Stew 6608
Happy Eggplant 6708
Sweet Potatoes 6808
Baked Sweet Potato 6908
Greens 6A08
Scrambled Eggs 6B08
Omelet 6C08
Omelet Rice 6D08
Boiled Egg 6E08
Hot Milk 6F08
Butter 7008
Cheese Cake 7108
Cheese Fondue 7208
Apple Pie 7308
Apple Jam 7408
Apple Soufflé 7508
Mushroom Rice 7608
Bamboo Rice 7708
Truffle Rice 7808
Sushi 7908
Jam Bun 7A08
Dinner Roll 7B08
Raisin Bread 7C08
Grape Jam 7D08
Curry Bread 7E08
Sashimi 7F08
Grilled Fish 8008
Sashimi Mix 8108
Pizza 8208
Noodles 8308
Curry Noodles 8408
Tempura Noodles 8508
Fried Noodles 8608
Buckwheat Noodles 8708
Tempura Buckwheat Noodles 8808
Fried Noodles 8908
Buckwheat Chips 8A08
Cookies 8B08
Chocolate Cookies 8C08
Tempura 8D08
Ice Cream 8E08
Cake 8F08
Chocolate Cake 9008
Relaxation Tea 9108
Toast 9208
French Toast 9308
Pudding 9408
Mountain Stew 9508
Moon Dumplings 9608
Rice Cake 9708
Roasted Rice Cake 9808
Elli Leaves 9908
Failure 9A08
Failure 9B08
Failure 9C08
Failure 9D08
Failure 9E08
Failure 9F08
Small Fish A008
Medium Fish A108
Large Fish A208
Toasted Rice Ball A308
Tempura Rice A408
Egg Over Rice A508
Rice Gruel A608
Pancakes A708
Fish Sticks A808
Candied Potato A908
Potato Pancakes AA08

**Some items from the boy version have new names and
purposes in MFoMT

Moon Drop Grass 0009
Pink Cat Grass 0109
Blue Magic Grass 0209
Red Magic Grass 0309
Toy Flower 0409
Wool (S) 0509
Wool (M) 0609
Wool (L) 0709
Wool (G) 0809
Wool (P) 0909
Wool (X) 0A09
Yarn (S) 0B09
Yarn (M) 0C09
Yarn (L) 0D09
Yarn (G) 0E09
Yarn (P) 0F09
Yarn (X) 1009
Junk Ore 1109
Copper Ore 1209
Silver Ore 1309
Gold Ore 1409
Mystrile Ore 1509
Orichalc Ore 1609
Adamantite Ore 1709
Moon Stone 1809
Sand Rose 1909
Pink Diamond 1A09
Alexandrite 1B09
Mythic Stone 1C09
Diamond 1D09
Emerald 1E09
Ruby 1F09
Topaz 2009
Peridot 2109
Fluorite 2209
Agate 2309
Amethyst 2409
Harvest Goddess Jewel 2509
Kappa Jewel 2609
Jewel of Truth 2709
Spring Sun 2809
Summer Sun 2909
Autumn Sun 2A09
Winter Sun 2B09
Bracelet 2C09
Necklace 2D09
Earrings 2E09
Broach 2F09
Weeds 3009
Stones 3109
Branches 3209
Recipe for French Fries 3309
Recipe for Ketchup 3409
Ball 3509
Pirate Treasure 3609
Fossil of Ancient Fish 3709
Empty Can 3809
Boots 3909
Fish Bones 3A09
Van's Favorite Thing 3B09 (Karen's Wine)
TV Changer 3C09 (Popuri's Mud Ball)
Shopping Master 3D09 (Ann's Music Box)
Riddle Book 3E09 (Mary's Great Book)
Goddess Gift 3F09 (Elli's Pressed Flower)
Album 1 4009
Album 2 4109
Album 3 4209
Album 4 4309
Album 5 4409
Album 6 4509
Album 7 4609
Album 8 4709
Album 9 4809
Album 10 4909
Album 11 4A09
Album 12 4B09
Album 13 4C09
Album 14 4D09
Album 15 4E09
Album 16 4F09
Album 17 5009
Album 18 5109
Album 19 5209
Album 20 5309
H.G High/Low 100 wins 5409 (Band-Aid)
All About Letters 5509 (Book from H.G.)
Perfume 5609
Cliff's Photo 5709
All About Books 5809 (Plant Encyclopedia)
Invitation to HS party 5909
Dress 5A09
Facial Pack 5B09
Skin Lotion 5C09
Sun Block 5D09
Lumber 5E09
Golden Lumber 5F01
Animal Fodder 6001
Chicken Feed 6101
Certificate of R-P-S 6201
Frisbee 6301
Rick's Watch 6401
Kai's Ocean Charm 6501
Cliff's Flower Decoration 6601
Gray's Brooch 6701
Doctor's Massager 6801
Mysterious ticket 6901

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